GSA Solutions

You Have a Vision for Your Company's Growth

We Can Help

Government sales offer a significant opportunity for many companies, but there is a lot of misinformation about pricing restrictions and payment terms holding some companies back. Plus, the government’s proposals are so complex that many managers throw their hands up in frustration before they even start. Other companies have submitted proposals and have given up when the proposals were returned due to errors. 

We often hear, “Why do all that work and then end up without a contract?” Well, there is a lot of work involved, and the government contracting officers are not patient with errors. Preparing a successful proposal requires considerable attention to detail, often without enough guidance from the RFP.

But GSA Solutions has obtained contracts for 100% of our clients. We have a process that works.

GSA Solutions Offers:

  • Free consultation: Is a GSA contract right for you?
  • GSA Proposal preparation that protects your profits.
  • Proactive representation as the GSA reviews and negotiates your proposal.
  • Post-contract marketing services.
  • Ongoing contract maintenance program so you stay in compliance.
GSA Solutions

We Cover the Bases

  1. Consult
    First, we determine whether a GSA contract will benefit your company based on factors including your sourcing, distribution, and pricing policies. If proceeding makes sense, we will help you develop a profitable strategy.
  2. Simplify Information Gathering
    We review the requirements of your GSA Solicitation and provide you with an easy-to-use template for the information we need from your Finance, Operations, and Sales departments.
  3. Prepare a Professional Proposal
    The GSA rejects over 50% of proposals that are prepared without professional help due to excessive mistakes. We prepare the documents, spreadsheets, forms and letters, then submit a professional proposal.
  4. Represent You During the Review and Negotiation
    GSA reviewers ask hard questions. We can answer them. In fact, we anticipate questions and build answers into your proposal. Knowing the GSA’s negotiation points, we can obtain the terms you expect.
  5. Sales and Marketing Services
    Once your contract is awarded we can help increase sales by working with your sales and marketing teams.
  6. Ongoing Contract Maintenance
    We can remove the burden of maintaining your contract by preparing the paperwork for adding or deleting products, keeping the GSA online catalog updated, filing & posting price increases and promotions, and helping you stay current with required reports and registrations.
GSA Solutions